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Library Media Center


I am excited to announce that the library has returned to normal and I am ready to resume checking out physical books!

Below are the check out procedures.

  1. Students will place a hold on the titles they want to check out using the Google Doc instructions. They may check out two books at a time and place two holds at a time.
  2. If students are here for Hybrid classes, their books will be delivered to their homeroom/first period classes. If they are not here for Hybrid learning, then they can pick up their books, once they receive an email from Mrs. Baxter saying they are ready, from the SIS office if they are in 4th & 5th, or the SMS office if they are 6th-8th, until 3:30.
  3. There will be a book box set up for book returns available Monday-Friday from 8:00-3:30 outside of both offices. Books will be in quarantine for a minimum of 72 hours and then checked back in for circulation.

Google Doc of Instructions:

SIS/SMS Library Book Check Out Instructions

Please email me if you have any questions!


Mrs. Baxter