Attendance Policy Overview
Attendance Overview
Regular and consistent attendance at school is fundamental to student success and personal responsibility. A pattern of regular attendance reflects a positive work ethic and attitude that is desirable in the workplace. It is therefore a responsibility of the school to promote good attendance and enforce the compulsory attendance laws of the state of Oregon.
All students between the ages of 7 and 18, who have not completed grade 12, are required to attend school unless otherwise exempted by law. School staff will monitor and report violations of the State of Oregon compulsory attendance law to the District Truancy Officer. The officer is assigned to assist in contacting parents to find out if there are extenuating circumstances and to offer assistance as needed. The Truancy Officer also delivers attendance letters as required by policy when a student begins to show a history of poor attendance. If you need assistance or have questions about the attendance policy or the law, please call the Director of Health, Safety & Security at 503-769-8748.
Excused Absences:
- Illness, injury, or hospitalization of a student
- Medical or dental appointments (verification of appointments may be required)
- Serious illness or hospitalization of an immediate family member
- Field trips and school-sponsored activities
- Military-parent call to duty, leave from, or deployment to a combat zone or to a combat support post
- Planned religious instruction or observance of legally established religious holidays
- Other activities or absences that have prior approval or acknowledgement of the administrative office including: fully executed planned absences (see below), required lice treatment, etc.
Unexcused Absences:
Anything not listed as an excused absence above is considered unexcused.
Planned Absences:
Planned absences for one or more days (up to 10 days) are arranged in the following manner:
- Students shall furnish to the attendance secretary written permission from the parent/guardian for pre-arranged absence, specifying the date, time, and reason for absence.
- The student will be issued a pre-arranged absence form from the office.
- Forms are also available on the District website at
*Information on the written excuse must include: (1) the full name of the student; (2) the calendar dates of absence and time frame of a partial day absence; (3) a brief reason for absence; and (4) the complete signature of the parent or guardian. ORS 581-023-0006 and ORS 339.065
Check Out During the School Day
All student check out during the school day will be processed through the office. A written or in-person parent request is necessary before students are permitted to leave with any non-custodial adult at any time. Phone calls are discouraged. Non-custodial adults should be prepared to show picture identification to office staff before the release of a student. Arrangements for changes as to who will pick up a student after school may be communicated to the classroom teacher by the parent/guardian in a note or in person. Teachers will notify the office and follow the same guidelines as above. Written permission is also required for a student to walk or ride home on the bus with another student after school. These procedures are in place to protect students.
Report an Absence
To report an absence online, please select the appropriate grade level button:
Wondering when you should keep your student home or send them to school? CLICK HERE for more info.